General Information about Lanzarote

Here you will find all the information you need to take into account to make your trip to Lanzarote comfortable and hassle-free. We provide you with the basics you need to know to get around the island without any worries and we inform you of the differences you will find with respect to your place of origin.

Lanzarote: biosphere reserve

Lanzarote: biosphere reserve Lanzarote: biosphere reserve We often talk about the wealth of flora and fauna and the immense biodiversity in many zones of South America or Southeast Asia. Although it’s normal to idealise and admire foreign parts, often we…

The weather

You have probably selected this paradisiacal destination for its beautiful beaches and dreamlike landscapes, but wait, there is some excellent news that will make your day. Lanzarote is one of the islands of the Canary archipelago that enjoys one of the best climates all year round. You can enjoy a refreshing swim in its crystal clear waters in the summer with an average temperature of 29º, sunbathe on its beaches in the autumn with a pleasant temperature of between 22º/24º as well as in the spring or take long walks around the island in the winter enjoying its incredible 20º. 

As you can see, the island offers exceptional weather all year round making this destination an ideal choice whatever the time of year.

Business hours

When it comes to opening hours in Lanzarote it depends a lot on the area you are in. Generally in the tourist areas (Playa Blanca, Puerto del Carmen, Costa Teguise or Arrecife) is where you will find a wider range of services.  As a general rule you will find shops in these areas open from 10:00hs until 22:00hs (mainly in the shopping centres).

As for restaurants, most of the restaurants in the tourist areas offer lunch from 12:00hs to 15:00hs and dinner from 18:00hs to 22:00hs. We also recommend that you check the opening hours on the official websites of each place, as many of them offer extended and uninterrupted opening hours, providing customers with a service that suits their needs.

Shopping centres are open even on Sundays and most public holidays, so you will be able to find everything you need without any problem. Please note that within the 3 main shopping centres on the island located in Marina Rubicon, Puerto del Carmen and Playa Honda there are supermarkets that have longer opening hours than the rest of the island.


If you are still planning your trip, this information will be very useful.

 Lanzarote, unlike other European destinations, offers possibilities for all types of travellers regardless of their purchasing power. 

 In addition, the islands have a special tax reduction, which makes it very likely that you will find items at incredible prices, including perfumes, tobacco, alcohol, clothing, etc.

To help you make your calculations, here is a list of the average prices of the most important services of any trip. 

  • Accommodation*: From €30 to €136 per night.
  • Car rental*: From 20€ to 100€ per day.
  • Meals (2 persons): From 20€ to 100€.
  • Coffee: From 1.10€ to 1.50€.
  • Beer: From 1.50€ to 2.50€.
  • Intercity bus: From 1.40€ to 3.60€.Gasoline 95: Between 1.10€ and 1.25€.

*Like all tourist destinations these prices vary according to the seasons.


Lanzarote is an island of the Canary archipelago belonging to the Kingdom of Spain, so, as in most of Europe, the official currency on the island is the Euro (€). If you come from a European destination you will be able to access all the products and services without any complications.

But don’t worry, if your country’s currency is the British Lira, you will find exchange offices in the tourist areas of the island that will allow you to change your money for Euros without any inconvenience.

In the case of other currencies, such as those of countries in the American continent, I recommend that you exchange your money in your country of origin.

As a recommendation, if the currency of your country of origin is not the Euro (€) you could exchange a part of your money to have cash and leave the rest in your bank account to make your purchases with credit or debit cards. This way you will travel with more peace of mind and have a plan B in case of any unforeseen eventuality.

Time difference

An important thing to bear in mind is the time difference between the Canary Islands and the rest of Spain. You may be surprised by this fact, but it is important that you take it into account when you arrive on the island to avoid misunderstandings and to be able to enjoy every minute you spend in this incredible place.

Throughout the Canary Islands, UTC time is the same as in London and one hour less than in the rest of Spain.

Here is a link so that you can check the official time in the Canary Islands at any time.